SSI Recipients to Receive Stimulus Payments from CARES Act

Due to the passage of the CARES Act to help mitigate the economic effects of the COVID-19 virus, SSI recipients are eligible to receive payments of $1,200 per adult and $500 per dependent child. If an SSI recipient has no dependent children, no additional action is...

Medicaid Beds and Nursing Home Care

Paying for care in a nursing home can be a major expense that can drain the savings of almost any family. Due to this potential expense, it is advised that individuals plan for the possibility of a nursing home stay with a local, experienced elder law attorney to...

New Coronavirus Nursing Home Guidelines

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, has issued new guidelines to protect nursing home residents from the threat of the coronavirus. The new guidelines encourage nursing homes to restrict all visitors except for compassionate care situations, such...

VA Aid and Attendance Benefits

For veterans, one alternative to Medicaid nursing home benefits are VA Aid and Attendance benefits. This benefit may be especially attractive to a veteran, or their surviving spouse, who requires in-home care or assistance, but does not necessarily require a full...

Medicaid Nursing Home Coverage and Health Insurance

One potential consideration when applying for Medicaid nursing home coverage is whether or not to continue paying for additional health insurance through Medicare. Qualifying for Medicaid nursing home coverage would also make individuals eligible for health insurance...